Air powered M16's and other automatic and semi-automatic rifles and handguns are the makes of a major new hobby. These replicas that closely represent the originals, look and feel like the real thing. Airsoft guns are very lifelike toys that are definitely not meant to be used by children. These Toys got their start over in Asia. Originally intended as collector's items for gun enthusiasts in China, these close facsimile to the real thing, were invented after China banned firearms and the public started desiring life-like firearms for their collections.
As time went on the toys made their way across the globe to North American where they quickly became popular. From a hobby to collect these guns arose a sport that involved teams of players and eventually simulated war games.
Airsoft guns are manufactured mostly in the orient as they were when they were first developed. Manufacturing companies for airsoft guns have sprouted up in China, Japan, Taiwan and other locations as a result of their ever growing popularity.
Police department and military training units have started to recognize the feasibility of airsoft guns as usable for training exercises. Manufactured in identical size and weight these weapons provide a relatively inexpensive alternative to using authentic firearms.
While they are a variety of methods of play with air soft guns, the one method of play that seems to have gained the most attention is known as MilSim, or military simulation play. This game is much as it sounds an elaborate reproduction of military war games, complete with radios, explosives and even rations. These well planned out scenarios can take several days to play out and require all players to be in exact uniforms.
These teams replicate real time experiences as close as possible. Often airsoft gun teams will use low capacity magazines that are identical to the actual magazines used on M4's, M16's and others. These games can last up to a few days, with teams remaining in the fields except in the case of an emergency.
The players are required to be honest about getting struck by a pellet. In Airsoft gun games the pellets do not leave distinguishable markings on the players as the pellets in paintball games do. This requires the player to admit that they have been hit.
Some states and cities have started to implement regulations about the possession of these toys, including Newark New Jersey and Chicago Illinois. Since they are often almost totally unidentifiable from the authentic weapon ordinances have had to be put in place to control the use of these replicas in urban areas.
These mock-up semi-automatics can be found at many retail outlets and can be commonly found at flea markets and swap meets. Another popular way to locate these weapons is at kiosks in malls and even at some sporting goods retailers. Airsoft guns can also be found via the internet at a variety of retailers that over large selections of guns and other associated items. - 30320
As time went on the toys made their way across the globe to North American where they quickly became popular. From a hobby to collect these guns arose a sport that involved teams of players and eventually simulated war games.
Airsoft guns are manufactured mostly in the orient as they were when they were first developed. Manufacturing companies for airsoft guns have sprouted up in China, Japan, Taiwan and other locations as a result of their ever growing popularity.
Police department and military training units have started to recognize the feasibility of airsoft guns as usable for training exercises. Manufactured in identical size and weight these weapons provide a relatively inexpensive alternative to using authentic firearms.
While they are a variety of methods of play with air soft guns, the one method of play that seems to have gained the most attention is known as MilSim, or military simulation play. This game is much as it sounds an elaborate reproduction of military war games, complete with radios, explosives and even rations. These well planned out scenarios can take several days to play out and require all players to be in exact uniforms.
These teams replicate real time experiences as close as possible. Often airsoft gun teams will use low capacity magazines that are identical to the actual magazines used on M4's, M16's and others. These games can last up to a few days, with teams remaining in the fields except in the case of an emergency.
The players are required to be honest about getting struck by a pellet. In Airsoft gun games the pellets do not leave distinguishable markings on the players as the pellets in paintball games do. This requires the player to admit that they have been hit.
Some states and cities have started to implement regulations about the possession of these toys, including Newark New Jersey and Chicago Illinois. Since they are often almost totally unidentifiable from the authentic weapon ordinances have had to be put in place to control the use of these replicas in urban areas.
These mock-up semi-automatics can be found at many retail outlets and can be commonly found at flea markets and swap meets. Another popular way to locate these weapons is at kiosks in malls and even at some sporting goods retailers. Airsoft guns can also be found via the internet at a variety of retailers that over large selections of guns and other associated items. - 30320
About the Author:
Author: Anthoy Carter is very into the sport of airsoft and is very knowlegdeable about airsoft guns. Go to this website to find the best place to find airsoft guns.